Amazon Product Photography

Amazon Product Photography

Product Photography for Ecommerce Platforms
Whether you are new to launching a product or an experienced seller, it is easy to make the mistake of trying to save money by shooting your own images. Many think with a camera and filtering/editing app can create images that sell. It is a fact that self produced images will rarely look as good as professional images…

Amazon has set rules and guidelines for sizing images. The images you take might look good but once you set them to Amazon’s standards they could become pixilated and contain noise when enlarged. The product should fill at least 85% of the space in which, most people do not do. Also, the images might not show correct color, texture, and detail all leading to the cost or returns or, your product not being considered.

Your self-shot images might look great to the untrained eye however, but small mistakes could really affect your sales. If you still want to shoot your own images, check out the links below, they should help.

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